Training and CPDL

Art Network Meetings

Shape North are commissioned by Kirklees Council Learning Services to run Art Network meetings, with the aim of supporting teachers to develop their teaching repertoire for the classroom, enhance their own art skills, explore new creative ideas and keep abreast of local and national initiatives and offers – all led by our own specialist arts practitioner, Stephanie and senior leader in cultural education, Kathy.

Sessions are crafted carefully to be a mix of information sharing and expert skills teaching, coupled with inspirational hands-on activity, all fused with a clear understanding of the curriculum and the needs of children at all stages of their educational journey. A range of resources are developed to take away for practical application back in school.

Shape North have developed excellent working relationships with a vast range of arts and cultural organisations and many of the Art Network meetings have encompassed delivery from these partners, building new skills for the classroom and nurturing lasting, creative relationships for the benefit of children in schools and settings.

Art Network sessions are booked through Kirklees Business Solutions and are free to those schools who buy the Learning Service Network package. All schools are, however, welcome to join – within Kirklees and from other authorities: please see information on Kirklees Business Solutions website for how to book and for relevant charges.

In School Training Sessions

Are you looking for inspirational training for your staff team? Shape North are adept at delivering training sessions to fit a whole range of needs: short staff meetings, longer Twilight sessions or full day INSET offers. Always crafted with your specific needs in mind, input is tailored to encompass all levels of skill, experience and confidence.

See below for some some of the topics on offer, but don’t hesitate to get in touch to discuss your own ideas or needs.