Bringing a unique set of skills that derive from leadership roles within education and a wealth of experience shaping and delivering projects within the arts, culture and heritage sector, Shape North are experts in carrying out in-depth consultation and analysis and working in partnership with organisations to develop and deliver strategic plans and engagement at all levels.
Kirklees Year of Music

Shape North are commissioned as the Strategic Leads for Kirklees Year of Music, Children, Young People and Families (Education and Learning) strand of this exciting cultural initiative in 2023.
As education specialists, Shape North have undertaken extensive consultation with a range of partners from all spheres of live and work, all with an interest in young people’s musical development. Careful analysis and planning now sees Shape North designing and working with local partners to deliver a year’s worth of exciting opportunities for children and young people, alongside a comprehensive offer of CPDL opportunities for teachers at all stages of education.
As Strategic Leads, Shape North see KYOM23 as a powerful springboard, an opportunity to highlight and celebrate the diverse and unique musical heritage of the area – past and present -whilst instilling a place based, sustained legacy of musical partnerships – ones that forge a positive musical future for young people.
Look out for activities to get involved with:
- Learning Resources, including a specially commissioned learning package to accompany the Townsounds podcasts
- A range of high quality CPDL offers
- Live Performances – introducing children and young people to the thrill of being part of an audience watching live musical performances
- Singing and Playing – providing lots of opportunities to enjoy singing and playing themselves
To find out more about KYOM23 visit:
Kirklees Associate Learning Partners

Commissioned by Kirklees Learning Service, Shape North have provided expert support to Kirklees schools and teachers on Art and all things creative for the last four years. Schools benefit from:
- high quality, bespoke training sessions
- specific consultancy support on the art curriculum and creative approaches to learning throughout all subjects
- regular communication regarding arts and creativity developments and opportunities
- development of projects and programmes that will advance and maintain arts and creative opportunities for children and young people
- promotion and support of national arts awards with Kirklees schools
Evoke Management Team

Having been founding members of the Local Cultural Education Partnership (Evoke), Kathy and Stephanie remain active members, representing a schools and learning perspective and being a key conduit of information between arts and cultural partners and education. Their work helps to shape the strategic plans for increasing opportunities for all young people to engage with the arts, as well as giving valuable input themselves into a whole variety of projects for children- both in design and delivery, such as The Children’s Biennale and Woven Festival.

Shape North are now a key member of Evoke’s Management Committee, sitting on both the Partnership and Advisory Boards, supporting with the writing of funding bids and acting as project managers overseeing the completion and evaluation of several key strands of Evoke partners current work, such as the Creative Health and Creative Careers projects.
For more information on EVOKE: