Welcome to Shape North

Training and CPDL

Attend an Art Network Meeting or book a bespoke training session for your setting. Shape North offer a range of high quality, purposeful and creative training options to fit everyone’s needs.

Specialist Creative Consultancy

As educationalists and specialist arts practitioners, we bring a unique perspective to creative practice – understanding the needs of the curriculum, teachers and settings, whilst having a strong commitment to the power of weaving creative practice into children’s and school’s lives.  

Projects and Action Research

Highly experienced in working collaboratively with teachers, young people and communities, we devise purposeful, creative experiences that influence individuals in the moment, influence their thinking and view of the world. Experienced in research and evaluation, learning is captured, documented and analysed to inform future practice.

Strategic Partnership

With a wealth of experience at senior leadership levels, in-depth knowledge of how to engage schools, organisations and communities in creative and cultural opportunities and possessing excellent communication skills, Shape North are ideal strategic partners to move your vision forward.